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Testing the new ScanBas 365 system

Iván Soage blanco, the skipper from Monte Meixueiro vessel, is one of the first skippers who is testing the new ScanBas 365 system. He gave the following feedback:

We are working with Scanmar’s new system and for the moment we are fully satisfied with it. It is more explicit and with a brief look you get an idea of how everything goes down there – nets and doors-. It is very interesting the visualization of the inclination angles of the cod end during the haul. Because regardless of having the catch sensor data, when having the angles information makes it easier to know how the cod end evolves. Furthermore, we are confident that it is a reliable data. In addition, having a large screen, makes it possible to notice better the fish influx in the net. So, signals that do not appear on the master screen, now are possible to visualize in the large screen.


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