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Scanmar AS  -  3179 Åsgårdstrand -  Norway

 Phone: +47 33 35 44 00 -

SS4 Depth Sensor

#ScanMar SS4 Depth Sensor v01-21

  • Unmatched data accuracy

  • Negligible operation cost and long lifetime

  • Up to 700 hours of operating time


SS4 Depth Sensor

The DepthSensor is an invaluable tool in trawling and Purse Seine fisheries, providing accurate information of the sinking speed and depth, which enables the skipper to decide when to start trawling/pursing


  • Purse Seine: one or several sensors on purse line for depth and sinking speed

  • Tuna Seine: two depth sensors with temperature on purse line

  • Pelagic trawl: DepthSensor on the headline with temperature, and one on the cod end

  • Bottom trawl: DepthSensor on the headline, with temperature option

User benefits

  • Position the trawl at correct depth to target a shoal

  • Mounted on the cod end – avoid a sinking bag when hauling a pelagic trawl

  • Know when to start towing in the landing phase

  • Purse seine – watch the sinking speed and depth using one or several Depth Sensors

  • Easily programmable for use under various conditions

  • Add more functionality – upgrade with Temperature and Angle function

SS4 Depth Sensor

SS4 Depth Sensor


Coming soon......


Scanmar AS  -  3179 Åsgårdstrand -  Norway

 Phone: +47 33 35 44 00 -

Designed and produced in Norway

©2023 Scanmar AS - Norway 

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