Scanmar AS - 3179 Åsgårdstrand - Norway
Phone: +47 33 35 44 00 -
Height-Depth Sensor for Seiner
#Height-Depth Sensor v01-21
Specialized sensor for purse seine with Depth/Height measurement
Precise and reliable measurements- see the position and the sinking rate of the seine at all times
Extremely robust construction with special plastics protecting against damage
Withstands a stretch of 6 tons Scanmar's strongest sensor ever!
Specially designed mounting kit with great rupture strength

Height/Depth sensor for Seiner
Tight control of the movement and the position of the purse seine, especially during the shooting phase, is an important factor for successful fishing.
Scanmar’s new Height/Depth sensor for Purse Seine provides important and reliable information about the
position and the movement of the seine at all times, increasing the catch ability and reducing the danger of tearing up the seine.
Areas of use
Purse Seine: one or several sensors on the line
User advantage
The Depth measurement shows distance to the surface and is used to monitor the sinking speed and the position of the seine in water. The Height measurement shows distance to the bottom and helps the skipper to place the seine closer to the bottom. Start to haul at the right time in the launch phase. Increased catch ability and reduced danger of tearing up the seine.
The new sensor is developed specially for purse seiners and is a stronger and more robust version of the classic combination sensor for purse-seiners. The electronics is molded into the same resilient plastics as in the SS4 generation of sensors. This protects against damage. In addition, the sensor body is reinforced with Kevlar-reinforcements. The sensor withstands a stretch of 6 tons and is Scanmar’s strongest sensor ever! Included is the specially designed mounting kit with great rupture strength.
Height-Depth Sensor for Seiner
Height-Depth Sensor for Seiner
Coming soon......
Scanmar AS - 3179 Åsgårdstrand - Norway
Phone: +47 33 35 44 00 -
Designed and produced in Norway